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Title Authors Year Region
Meteorological Aspects of the Eastern North American Pattern with Impacts on Long Island Sound Salinity Justin A. Schulte, Nickitas Georgas, Vincent Saba, Penelope Howell Northeast
Potential Salinity and Temperature Futures for the Chesapeake Bay Using a Statistical Downscaling Spatial Disaggregation Framework Barbara A. Muhling, Carlos F. Gaitán, Charles A. Stock, Vincent S. Saba, Desiree Tommasi, Keith W. Dixon Northeast
Regime shifts in fish recruitment on the Northeast US Continental Shelf Charles T. Perretti, Michael J. Fogarty, Kevin D. Friedland, Jon A. Hare, Sean M. Lucey, Richard S. McBride, Timothy J. Miller, Ryan E. Morse, Loretta O’Brien, Jose J. Pereira, Laurel A. Smith, Mark J. Wuenschel Northeast
Operationalizing integrated ecosystem assessments within a multidisciplinary team: lessons learned from a worked example Geret S. DePiper, Sarah K. Gaichas, Sean M. Lucey, Patricia Pinto da Silva, M. Robin Anderson, Heather Breeze, Alida Bundy, Patricia M. Clay, Gavin Fay, Robert J. Gamble, Robert S. Gregory, Paula S. Fratantoni, Catherine L. Johnson, Mariano Koen-Alonso, Kristin M. Kleisner, Julia Olson, Charles T. Perretti, Pierre Pepin, Fred Phelan, Vincent S. Saba, Laurel A. Smith, Jamie C. Tam, Nadine D. Templeman, Robert P. Wildermuth Northeast
Operationalizing integrated ecosystem assessments within a multidisciplinary team: lessons learned from a worked example Geret S. DePiper, Sarah K. Gaichas, Sean M. Lucey, Patricia Pinto da Silva, M. Robin Anderson, Heather Breeze, Alida Bundy, Patricia M. Clay, Gavin Fay, Robert J. Gamble, Robert S. Gregory, Paula S. Fratantoni, Catherine L. Johnson, Mariano Koen-Alonso, Kristin M. Kleisner, Julia Olson, Charles T. Perretti, Pierre Pepin, Fred Phelan, Vincent S. Saba, Laurel A. Smith, Jamie C. Tam, Nadine D. Templeman, Robert P. Wildermuth Northeast
Post-smolt survival of Baltic salmon in context to changing environmental conditions and predators Kevin D. Friedland, Johan Dannewitz, Atso Romakkaniemi, Stefan Palm, Henni Pulkkinen, Tapani Pakarinen, Rainer Oeberst Northeast
Northeast Regional Action Plan - NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy Jonathan A. Hare, Diane L. Borggaard, Kevin D. Friedland, Jennifer Anderson, Peter Burns, Kevin Chu, Patricia M. Clay, Mathias J. Collins, Peter Cooper, Paula S. Fratantoni, Michael R. Johnson, John P. Manderson, Lisa Milke, Timothy J. Miller, Christopher D. Orphanides, Vincent S. Saba Northeast
A Framework for Incorporating Species, Fleet, Habitat, and Climate Interactions into Fishery Management Sarah K. Gaichas, Richard J. Seagraves, Jessica M. Coakley, Geret S. DePiper, Vincent G. Guida, Jonathan A. Hare, Paul J. Rago, Michael J. Wilberg Northeast
Use of satellite data to identify critical periods for early life survival of northern shrimp in the Gulf of Maine R. Anne Richards, John E. O'Reilly, Kimberly J.W. Hyde Northeast
Seasonal phytoplankton blooms in the North Atlantic linked to the overwintering strategies of copepods Kevin D. Friedland, Nicholas R. Record, Rebecca G. Asch, Trond Kristiansen, Vincent S. Saba, Kenneth F. Drinkwater, Stephanie Henson, Robert T. Leaf, Ryan E. Morse, David G. Johns, Scott I. Large, Solfrid S. Hjøllo, Janet A. Nye, Mike A. Alexander, Rubao Ji Northeast
The Effects of Sub-Regional Climate Velocity on the Distribution and Spatial Extent of Marine Species Assemblages Kristin M. Kleisner,Michael J. Fogarty, Sally McGee, Analie Barnett, Paula Fratantoni, Jennifer Greene, Jonathan A. Hare, Sean M. Lucey, Christopher McGuire, Jay Odell, Vincent S. Saba, Laurel Smith, Katherine J. Weaver, Malin L. Pinsky Northeast
NOAA FISHERIES CLIMATE SCIENCE STRATEGY Jason S. Link, Roger Griffis, Shallin Busch (Editors) Northeast
Spring bloom dynamics and zooplankton biomass response on the US Northeast Continental Shelf Kevin D. Friedland, Robert T. Leaf, Joe Kane, Desiree Tommasi, Rebecca G. Asch, Nathan Rebuck, Rubao Ji, Scott I. Large, Charles Stock, Vincent S. Saba Northeast
Quantifying Patterns of Change in Marine Ecosystem Response to Multiple Pressures Scott I. Large, Gavin Fay, Kevin D. Friedland, Jason S. Link Northeast
Simulations to evaluate management trade-offs among marine mammal consumption needs, commercial fishing fleets and finfish biomass Laurel Smith, Robert Gamble, Sarah Gaichas, Jason Link Northeast