News and Announcements

Presentation slide of Scientist talk on benefits of Ecosystem-based fisheries management NOAA Fisheries Scientist Presents About Progress and Benefits of Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management
January 12, 2022
Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management (EBFM) is rapidly becoming the default approach in global fisheries management. The clarity of what EBFM means is sharpening each year and there is a real need to evaluate progress and assess the effectiveness and impacts. We examine a suite of over 90 indicators (including socioeconomic, governance, environmental forcing, major pressures, systems ecology, and fisheries criteria) for 9 major U.S. fishery ecosystem jurisdictions, and systematically track the progress the country has made toward advancing EBFM to an operational reality. We view this progress as synonymous with improved management of living marine resources in general, with the lessons learned in US systems directly applicable for all parts of the global ocean. Much work still remains, but significant progress has occurred.
gulf of Alaska status Watch the Gulf of Alaska Ecosystem Status Report Presentation to the North Pacific Fishery Management Council
December 17, 2021
Watch NOAA scientists present the Gulf of Alaska Ecosystem to the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (presentation minute 55 - 1:44).
whale tale 2021 Alaska Ecosystem Status Reports will be presented to the North Pacific Fishery Management Council
December 07, 2021
NOAA scientists are presenting the Alaska Ecosystem Status Reports for the Gulf of Alaska, Eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands large marine ecosystems to the North Pacific Fishery Management Council on Tuesday, December 14th.
South Carolina beach NOAA released the first U.S. South Atlantic Ecosystem Status Report
December 07, 2021
According to a new report from NOAA Fisheries, the U.S. South Atlantic marine ecosystem is showing signs of chronic stress including rising sea levels, ocean acidification, increased nutrient inputs, and recent warming.
CalCOFI research ship The 2021 CalCOFI Conference Informs the California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment
December 03, 2021
NOAA scientists that carry out the California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (IEA) participated in the 2021 California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) Conference in preparation for the California Current Ecosystem Status report. The cooperative is a collaboration between NOAA Fisheries Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. This cooperative conducts quarterly cruises off southern and central California to collect a suite of environmental and marine ecosystem data. These data are used to study the California Current, manage its living resources, and monitor the indicators of El Nino and climate change. Scientists use these data to put together the annual California Current Ecosystem Status report. This report compiles the status and trends of key indicators of climate, oceanography, ecology, fisheries and other human activities, and human wellbeing in the California Current Ecosystem.
Scientists on a research vessel NOAA’s Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (IEA) approach helped NOAA scientists overcome a lack of fisheries and ecosystem data
November 11, 2021
NOAA’s Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (IEA) approach helped NOAA scientists overcome a lack of fisheries and ecosystem data by integrating monitoring data with simulations and models. For example, when surveys were cancelled in 2020 due to the pandemic, scientists estimated fish abundance with limited trawl data by combining simulated survey effort reductions, seabird diet observations with new predictive models, and predicted krill species distributions based on past survey observations. Understanding the connections of living marine resources with other ecosystem components enables NOAA to be better prepared during periods of decreased observations and helps meet new challenges in managing and conserving these resources.
Atlantic Ocean Northeast IEA Workshop to Develop 2022 State of the Ecosystem Reports This Week
August 23, 2021
The Northeast Integrated Ecosystem Assessment team kicked off the 2022 State of the Ecosystem Reports Workshop this week. This workshop is an important first step to gather data, review feedback from fishery management council members, and touch base with scientists of different disciplines.
Research Vessel Walton Smith Key West Port Water Quality Changes
August 17, 2021
The Gulf of Mexico Integrated Ecosystem Assessment team presented water quality data to the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council.
surface slicks West Hawaii IEA Work Presented at United Nations World Oceans Day
June 23, 2021
Watch Dr. Jonathon Whitney describe his and Dr. Jamie Gove's work on surface Slicks in Hawai'i.
whale tale NOAA Fisheries releases new video looking at environmental conditions in the Gulf of Alaska in 2020
April 30, 2021
The video highlights findings in Alaska Fisheries Science Center’s 2020 Ecosystem Status Report for the Gulf of Alaska